Thankful This is NOT Forever!

Mortals say of some temporal suffering, “No future bliss can make up for it,” not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory. The Blessed will say, “We have never lived anywhere except Heaven.”

C. S. Lewis

2016: This is NOT Forever

One breath

One glance

A single tiny detail transports me from here to there.

Takes me from doing alright to devastation

Read the rest here: This is NOT Forever…

2017: The ETHICAL Way to Share

This happened years ago but it bears repeating.

I can’t begin to try to figure out if my words are being stolen or by whom-it would take more energy and time than I have.

But if I could just say this: the blog is an intimate and authentic representation of MY journey as a bereaved mother and follower of Jesus.

I hope it helps other hearts.

I also hope other hearts will respect my own.

❤ Melanie

It’s important to understand that in sharing, I (and others) are choosing vulnerability when we could choose to hide.


So when someone steals our words (maybe changes them just a little) and posts them as their own, they are stealing our identity-and in my case, since the blog is about my grief journey after losing my son-they are stealing his identity as well.

Read the rest here: The ETHICAL Way to Share

2018: Grief is Not a Hammer in the Hand of God

I may risk offending some of my fellow believers in Jesus but I will take that risk.

While scripture is plain that God uses the events in our lives to help fashion our hearts, it is also equally plain that God does not act cruelly or spitefully or wantonly.

Read the rest here: Grief is Not a Hammer in the Hand of God

2019: Everything Sad Will Come Untrue

It was a harsh sentence: Forty years of wandering in the desert for not putting their faith and trust in the God who had delivered them from bondage.

But wandering wasn’t the half of it.

Death surrounded them. All those adults who gave in to fear were doomed to die before the forty years were finished.

Can you imagine how many graves were dug in the wilderness? How many tears were shed? How many fists raised to the sky or hands to hearts begging, begging, begging for the sojourn of sadness to end?

Read the rest here: Scripture Journal Challenge: Everything Sad Will Come Untrue

2020: Lots Going On

I wrote a few months ago about how the pandemic changed the routine around here.

My long quiet mornings spent reading and writing were suddenly transformed by our living room serving as office space for my work-at-home husband.

It took awhile to figure out how to adapt but eventually we found a rhythm to our days.

Now life has taken another turn. He’s retiring! Which is a very, very good thing but means I’ve got another boatload of adjusting to do.

Read the rest here: Lots Going On

2021: Grief’s Physical Toll

I don’t know about you but my face and my body tell the tale.

It’s a story of stress and strife and it’s not pretty.

I look at photos before and after and see grief written all over the pictures taken since Dominic ran ahead to Heaven.

Read the rest here: Grief’s Physical Toll

Author: Melanie

I am a shepherd, wife and mother of four amazing children, three that walk the earth with me and one who lives with Jesus. This is a record of my grief journey and a look into the life I didn't choose. If you are interested in joining a community of bereaved parents leaning on the promises of God in Christ, please like the public Facebook page, "Heartache and Hope: Life After Losing a Child" and join the conversation.

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