I Long To Be Yielded and Still

I first shared this seven years ago when I was still in the early days of mourning Dominic. Our family was facing the third set of holidays with an empty chair at the table.

Life since then has been full of additional challenges and loss.

I still rebel sometimes at the road I’m asked to walk.

But I am more convinced than ever that when I yield my life and heart to the Master Potter, He will mold me and make me into the likeness of Jesus.

And that’s really who I want to be-even if it hurts.

I can’t claim to be satisfied with this life I’m living.  

do not like this path I am forced to walk, this darkness that hides the light, this pain that burrows deep in my bones.

But I can say I’m learning not to fight it.  

Sometimes I still pitch a fit.  

Read the rest here: Yielded and Still

Author: Melanie

I am a shepherd, wife and mother of four amazing children, three that walk the earth with me and one who lives with Jesus. This is a record of my grief journey and a look into the life I didn't choose. If you are interested in joining a community of bereaved parents leaning on the promises of God in Christ, please like the public Facebook page, "Heartache and Hope: Life After Losing a Child" and join the conversation.

2 thoughts on “I Long To Be Yielded and Still”

  1. I just wanted you to know that I’ve read your blog daily for almost two years. When I read things like “in the early days of mourning Dominic” and the third set of holidays without him- I am so grateful you give value to the fact that 2 years in, and I’m in the early days of mourning. We are heading to that 3rd date without Andrea, 2 years with her in heaven before us. A couple of days ago you struggled with the verses about Angels coming to save…yes, I wonder why she wasn’t one of those ones…..Thank you for walking ahead of me and letting me know that yes, we’re normal. Two years is in the early stages…that kinda sucks to be honest. We’ve got a long road to go until we get to hug her….
    Anniversaries are hard. It’s the day every one else remembers…but for us, we remember every single minute of every single day.
    Just wanted you know, you have made this path that we didn’t choose a little more navigatable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so very sorry for your pain and your loss. I’m thankful that what I share helps your heart hold on to hope and that it affirms you are neither alone nor abnormal.

      Child loss is (nearly everyone would agree) the most devastating loss life can throw at you. I’ve always said that when I became a mother to my child, it changed everything. So why should it come as a surprise that when my son died it also changed everything?

      Praying for you as you approach this unwanted and unwelcome milestone you feel the Father’s loving arms around you and that you hear Him singing strength, grace and comfort over your wounded heart. ❤


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