Sharing My Visible Wounds

This weekend I am privileged to be sharing both my hurt and my healing with fellow bereaved parents.

I can’t say there haven’t been tears but I can tell you there’s also been laughter.

There is great solace in reaching out your hand and having it gripped by an understanding soul. None of us wants to be alone in this journey.

You don’t have to be.

❤ Melanie

A sweet friend made sure I had Nicholas Wolterstorff’s book, Lament for a Son, in my hands just days after Dominic’s accident.  And it was one of the most helpful, kindest gifts I ever received.  

It still lives by my chair and I look at it often.

It might have been the similarities in circumstances that took our sons-his died in a mountain climbing accident, mine in a motorcycle accident-or it might have been our shared theology, but when I read his words, they spoke my heart.

Read the rest here: Visible Wounds