Something to Hold On To When You Feel Like Letting Go

I have to talk to myself all the time.


There are some mornings I open my eyes and would do just about anything to be able to stay in bed, hide under the covers and wish the day away.

But I can’t.

So I recite truth until my heart can hear it.  I speak courage to my own spirit.

If you are feeling weak and weary today, may I share a few of my favorites?


blessed is the one who perseveres

I don’t have to arrive at the finish line cute and perky, I only have to complete the course even if I’m barely crawling or dragging myself the last few feet.

Endurance IS the victory and perseverance IS faith.


my grace is sufficient

God’s grace is enough.  Sometimes I don’t believe it but that doesn’t make it untrue.  God promises to provide the strength I need when I need it.  When I am weak, He is strong.


Even the very WORST day of my life only lasted 24 hours.  All I have to do is live this moment, this hour and this day.  Every morning is a new beginning with new mercy and sufficient grace.  Every sunrise is a reminder that God is still on the throne and still in control.

you keep track of all my tears

What a precious promise that the King of the Universe, the Creator of all things, the God of Heaven is keeping track of MY tears!  Not a single drop hits the ground but that He scoops it up and saves it.  One day every one will be redeemed.

began a good work

God isn’t finished with me yet.  He is working in and through me to conform me to the likeness of Christ.  That work is often painful.  But He is going to use even this most awful, heartbreaking thing.


When all else fails and a day is full of tears and sorrow, I remember that there will be a Day-a glorious Day!-when every single tear will be wiped away and, in the words of the Jesus Storybook Bible, “Every bad thing will come untrue.”



no evil can conquer grace forever


Author: Melanie

I am a shepherd, wife and mother of four amazing children, three that walk the earth with me and one who lives with Jesus. This is a record of my grief journey and a look into the life I didn't choose. If you are interested in joining a community of bereaved parents leaning on the promises of God in Christ, please like the public Facebook page, "Heartache and Hope: Life After Losing a Child" and join the conversation.

8 thoughts on “Something to Hold On To When You Feel Like Letting Go”

  1. AMEN! 🙏

    Again, I just love your words, your thoughts, your writings. I look forward to every post and feel really uplifted. Thank you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so thankful that the posts helps your heart! I pray that you feel the Father’s loving arms around you and that He gives you the strength needed for each day. ❤


  2. I am a the end of an extremely eventful, difficult day but stayed up a while to read your post…I’m so glad I did. Night, night God bless Melanie xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Melanie. I especially love the one from James. Kari-Lee persevered through trials for her whole life with cystic fibrosis and especially during the horrendous last two years of her life. She not only persevered, but she managed to spread joy and sunshine wherever she went. The mental picture of her receiving that crown of life brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
    And now it’s MY turn to persevere……..


  4. Dear Melanie,
    I live just as you describe your precious life. I feel that I am being used for a bigger purpose. I feel that someday God will use me to help someone else. If I can’t believe that some glorious day we will see our children again then we’ve wasted all this!
    💔 Margee

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