Bit By Bit: We Don’t Lose Them All at Once

I cannot speak for others but in my case, it seems that I did not lose Dominic all at once.

In fact, I’m still losing him.

Bit by bit, a little at a time, nearly molecule by molecule, his mark on my life, my walls, my world grows smaller.

Of course the space he occupies in my heart is safe-a mother’s heart grows larger with each birth and never shrinks again!

But in the physical world, the observable world, the world outside the safe sanctuary of my own soul-his presence THERE is fading.

And that’s it’s own brand of grief that must be recognized, felt, mourned and laid to rest.


Every time Dominic SHOULD be here but ISN’T means another memory made without him, another photograph with a missing piece, another family milestone celebrated a bit more quietly because his booming laughter doesn’t join the chorus.

Every decision that would ordinarily involve consulting all four children’s schedules and desires is one more opportunity to count down two, skip one and go to my youngest.  I never can remember that there are only three phone calls or texts to make. My heart hurts each time I don’t check in with Dominic.

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Odd pieces of mail come in his name-leftover from mass mailing lists that have not yet been purged of deceased individuals.  Still a little shocking, always sad, I carry it up the quarter mile to the house and lay it on top of the pile of other things that prove he once walked the earth.

Digging through the toolbox in the garage for a screwdriver and there’s that funny little part he took off a car years ago and tucked inside the drawer-just in case we could use it for something.  I smell the grease and gas and feel him near.

Then my mind drags my heart back to reality and he’s gone again.

Dozens of moments make me miss him anew.

I’m not delusional.

I know he has run ahead to Heaven.

But my heart holds on to every shred of physical connection as long as it can.

And then he’s ripped from me all over again.any place we ever walked i miss you


Author: Melanie

I am a shepherd, wife and mother of four amazing children, three that walk the earth with me and one who lives with Jesus. This is a record of my grief journey and a look into the life I didn't choose. If you are interested in joining a community of bereaved parents leaning on the promises of God in Christ, please like the public Facebook page, "Heartache and Hope: Life After Losing a Child" and join the conversation.

16 thoughts on “Bit By Bit: We Don’t Lose Them All at Once”

  1. No one understands this grief unless they live it. Life goes on here, but I long for the day when I’m called to Heaven and reunited with my daughters – that will be when the pain and grief ends – and not until. For now, we are the rememberers, when everyone else forgets.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My youngest son has been gone 4 months and each and everyday there are tears and memories. He left behind 3 little boys who help me get through this lost. People are moving on with their lives and I seem to be stuck in that moment I watched him take his last breath. I haven’t been able to go through his things yet . Seeing them around are memeories I just want to hold on to for awhile. Your words always give me comfort and I appreciate you for sharing
    God bless you

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so true and I know it will intensify as time goes by for me. My Nate has only been gone 5 months and I’m still processing to some degree. I have a jar of chicken wing sauce in the refrigerator that he opened over Christmas vacation as we settled in for a movie. It just sits there, still verifying that he was here, he was vital to our lives, he was fun and he was loving. I’m so afraid of him slipping away from us….


  4. Thank you. I loved this. It’s so painful. I miss my Gracie. It’s been a little over 3 months now. She was such a wonderful daughter. I have her son who reminds me so much of her in looks and actions. It hurts me that he doesn’t seem to miss her very much but at the same time I am thankful. I will do everything I can to keep her memory alive for him.

    I’m so very sorry for your loss.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So true I feel this so often and yet I’m here. I am so heartbroken about all the things Robert has missed yet it seems like yesterday. It’s the sound of silence that is killing me😢 does anyone remember he existed I think not nobody says a word😢

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am in the process of putting new carpet in our three spare bedrooms…so, everything had to be moved out of all three rooms…I found so many things…a lost mate to a shoe that he owned…pictures of him as a child…the outfit I brought him home…and many more…my other child was in for a two week visit..he had his family with him as well…in a weird away, seeing my other child makes my heart hurt …my missing Hunter to come to a surface that I have pushed back to endure daily activities…as always, thanks for your posts …they are so true and from the heart 💕


  6. I feel the same agony and grief over our daughter’s passing and this week is especially hard. This time last year we were readying to evac our home in FL in advance of Hurricane Irma’s uninvited appearance. She and I were making plans of what we would do when her dad and I got up to AL. All the food I would cook and package for her. The talking, hugs…just being together again after her latest health scare. We found out after the fact that she was heading to the ER about the same time we got to our son’s house. As I lay down to nap, exhausted from the overlong drive up, Drs were working to save her life. She crashed 4 times in that 2 hrs and TOD was finally called at 10:35 am on the morning of 09/09/2017. We weren’t notified until 12:15 pm by one of her daughters who was finally notified. I will have the image of her empty shell for the rest of my days.
    Thank you for sharing your pain. As strange as it may seem it gives me comfort to know I am not the only one with a shattered heart, that I am not alone in this journey. Right now, knowing I am only a heartbeat away from her does bring comfort. 🙏🏻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sharing our grief is part of the bond we mom’s have. Wanted to let you know my heart hurts for you and your family. Praying that you encounter the peace of Jesus as you walk through the conclusion of this first year. Remember to be gentle with yourself.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh how I feel this all the time Melanie. I can’t bear that he’s slipping slowly but surely away from everyone. I clutch at the odd memories that some of his friends share occasionally via facebook.
    Last week one of his best friends married up in Scotland and I had a message that Luke had a mention in his speech…that was lovely xxx

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