I Miss Your Voice: Silent Echoes Haunt My Heart

I try to limit the time I spend perusing old photos and old social media posts of my missing son.

I’ve learned that while they remind me of sweet memories and happy times they also prick my heart in ways nothing else can.

I was looking for something specific the other day and had to scroll through Dominic’s Facebook page to find it. As I did, I began reading some of the back and forth comments under the posts and pictures.

This time it wasn’t what was said or where the photos were taken that hurt my heart.

Instead it was the tiny little time stamp underneath the words that took my breath away.

Nothing more recent than eight years ago was recorded.

Because that’s when his voice went silent.

That’s when whatever he was going to say was either said or never would be said. That’s when all the brilliant, not-so-brilliant, snarky, funny, sad, silly and sage thoughts Dominic ever had or ever would have were cut off.

I firmly believe that Dominic is safe in the arms of Jesus-more alive now than he ever was here. I know he’s got things to say and when I join him we will have eternity to chat together.

But right now, what I wouldn’t give for one more conversation in the here and now.

I’ve got things I want to ask him.

I’ve got things I want to tell him.

I’d love to hear his voice or read his comments or see a new picture.

The years of silence echo loud in my ears and louder in my heart.

Author: Melanie

I am a shepherd, wife and mother of four amazing children, three that walk the earth with me and one who lives with Jesus. This is a record of my grief journey and a look into the life I didn't choose. If you are interested in joining a community of bereaved parents leaning on the promises of God in Christ, please like the public Facebook page, "Heartache and Hope: Life After Losing a Child" and join the conversation.

11 thoughts on “I Miss Your Voice: Silent Echoes Haunt My Heart”

  1. I miss my daughter Karissa’s voice so much. I always talked to her about everything. She was my friend in so many ways. Still almost 9 months later when something happens I think I need to tell Karissa.

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      1. I can only catch snippets of Luke’s voice in my mind.

        Although there are videos of him singing or acting up for friends, as you say Melanie we avoid them…too painful at times.

        However, yesterday whilst driving my grandchildren home, Luke’s nephew threw me. We have a bit of a thing going on in the car…I like George Esra and I have brain washed the children into liking him too….we tend to sing rather loudly along with him. We haven’t done it lately but did last night. One of the tracks reminds me one Luke and another of my daughter. When the one teminding me of my daughter came on, my grandson said it reminds him of Uncle Luke. I thought he might have gotten mixed up and was maybe trying to sooth his grandma somehow and so said that this one was the one that reminded me of his Aunt. He then pointed out….
        “Yes, I know grandma but the thing is, it’s also a song that Uncle Luke would have chosen to sing and would have done it really well.”

        I saw and heard it.

        From the mouths of babes….oh how that struck my heart 💔

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